Celebrate Easter With Us
We invite you and your family to join us on Easter Sunday, March 31, as we celebrate the Resurrection! Our Easter service will have uplifting music and practical teaching & preaching about who Jesus is and what His death and resurrection means for today. You're sure to have a wonderful time, so bring the whole family and enjoy it together.
Uplifting Music
Relevant Bible Message
Classes for All Ages
Service Times
Morning Service
10:00 AM
Evening Service
5:00 PM
Easter Egg Hunt
After the 10:00 AM service, children 3 years old through the 6th grade can take part in a huge Easter egg hunt. And since we have multiple areas indoors and outdoors, the hunt will take place rain or shine!
Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, March 31 at 10am
An epic Easter event for kids 5 years old through the 6th grade.